LLM-Assist: Enhancing Closed-Loop Planning with Language-Based Reasoning

1University of Texas at Austin, 2NEC Labs America, 3University of California San Diego

LLM-Assist is a novel hybrid planning approach that synergizes a rule-based planner (PDM-Closed) and an LLM-based planner to tackle challenging high uncertainty autonomous driving scenarios


Although planning is a crucial component of the autonomous driving stack, researchers have yet to develop robust planning algorithms that are capable of safely handling the diverse range of possible driving scenarios. Learning-based planners suffer from overfitting and poor long-tail performance. On the other hand, rule-based planners generalize well, but might fail to handle scenarios that require complex driving maneuvers.

To address these limitations, we investigate the possibility of leveraging the common-sense reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT4 and Llama2 to generate plans for self-driving vehicles. In particular, we develop a novel hybrid planner that leverages a conventional rule-based planner in conjunction with an LLM-based planner.

Guided by commonsense reasoning abilities of LLMs, our approach navigates complex scenarios which existing planners struggle with, produces well-reasoned outputs while also remaining grounded through working alongside the rule-based approach. Through extensive evaluation on the nuPlan benchmark, we achieve state-of-the-art performance, outperforming all existing pure learning- and rule-based methods across most metrics.


Qualitative Results

Quantitative Results

nuPlan Val-14 Split

LLM-Assist evaluated on nuPlan Closed-Loop Challenges on Val14 split. GPT-3-AssistPAR achieves SoTA performance on almost all metrics on both closed-loop challenges, reducing the number of dangerous driving scenarios by 11%.

GPT-3 vs LLM-Assist

Comparison between GPT-3 planner and LLM-Assit on nuPlan Closed-Loop Challenges on a subset of Val14 split consisting of 140 samples. Without fine-tuning, GPT-3 on its own is incapable of directly generating successful plans. This shows the importance of LLM-Assist's hybrid architecture.


    title={LLM-Assist: Enhancing Closed-Loop Planning with Language-Based Reasoning},
    author={Sharan, SP and Pittaluga, Francesco and Kumar B G, Vijay and Chandraker, Manmohan},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.00125},